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A modern day love story about a couple named Zeke and Legs. Zeke sprung from a world filled with danger and secrets. He was raised by two parents that instilled strong moral values in him. Zeke instead began to favor the excitement of the street life. Legs, on the other hand, was a stunning beauty from a loving family that fell victim to the negative trappings of urban life. Their paths crossed as they were beginning to live a normal life. Legs and Zeke fell madly in love in only a short time. Their lust and desire for each became a priority. They decided to marry when a child was on the way. This began the drama that was their life. Keep an open mind as you relive their lives.The story is written with truth and detailed accounts of the many events that took place. They both found God and sought redemption through Jesus the Christ. Don't let the discomfort of their acts deter you from reading their entire story. Remember; they had to live through it too! The real heroes of the story are God and Christ; consequently, without the resurrecting power of the almighty their lives may have remained lost.
I suggest you keep a Bible close by; just as I did while writing the story.

Forever That's How Long I'm Going to Love You



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